I Placed My Trust in Dr. Haroun — The Surgery Went Well

January 23rd, 2017

My first meeting with Dr. Haroun was amazing. He took time to go over my MRI and x-rays and options for treatment. He told me that surgery would be the best to stabilize my back. I was very reluctant to have back surgery. I told him I needed some time. He was very understanding and told me that he would order a back brace and asked that I review the website for the surgical option information because he said I would have questions and when I returned those could be addressed. He answered my questions that I had that day as well. Dr. Haroun’s staff: Lena, Christine, and Karlie, were professional, respectful and treated me as if I were their only patient.

After several appointments, where I asked a lot of questions and had discussions regarding my options, I felt more comfortable and optimistic with Dr. Haroun’s recommendation of surgery. I scheduled my surgery for Jan. 20, 2016.

I was very worried about back surgery. Would it be painful after surgery? Would I be able to walk? Would there be pain after healing impeding me for my daily activities?

I placed my trust in Dr. Haroun. The surgery went well. Better than I thought. I had no real pain. When in the hospital I was given pain meds in IV form. When I was released from the hospital 2 days later, I did not have to take any prescribed meds. I did take Tylenol once in awhile because the back brace seemed to press on my back a bit.

When I saw Dr. Haroun 2 weeks after my surgery I was doing really well and he was pleased that I did not have to take any pain meds. I told him I was so surprised that I had no real pain.
I am so glad I was referred to Dr. Haroun. He and his staff are very patient and concerned about your welfare and wellbeing. They address all of your questions and concerns in a timely matter. Even the “dumb” questions!

Thank you Dr. Haroun, Lena, Christine and Karlie.



Wilkins Avenue, Baltimore, MD
Charter Drive, Columbia, MD
Our Practice